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Children's Ministry

Ministry for infants -5th grade. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact our

Children's Ministry Director,  Jennie Smith at or 724-443-3184. 

Junior Church Volunteers - To support this program during the 11am service, we need volunteers please to serve as rotating lead and assistant teachers each week.  If your child will be attending Junior Church, we ask that you please volunteer at least one Sunday this  winter. NO PREP WORK IS REQUIRED!!!  On Sunday morning, activity directions and materials will already be set up in the classroom for you.  This volunteer opportunity is for both adults and youth.  All volunteers must have current child abuse clearances on file with the church office.  If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please sign up using this link:


There is a nursery available during our  11:00 am services.  Childcare is provided for children infant to 5 years of age.  Childcare is available during the 11 am worship service in the upper education wing.  Additionally, you will find a comfort room  for infants in the back of the sanctuary. There are also changing tables located in the women's and men's rooms in the Narthex. 

Junior Church

Returning September 8th


On Sunday,  during the 11am service.  After the children's moment with Pastor Keith, children will be dismissed to the education wing.  Children who are preschool age and younger should report to the nursery.  Children who are enrolled in elementary school will be divided into two classes: Kindergarten - 2nd grade and 3rd-5th grades.

To RSVP your child(ren), please use this link:

Kingdom Kids

Friday, September 13th - Children who are enrolled in Kindergarten - 2nd grade are invited to attend Kingdom Kids  from 6-7:30pm. Join us for a Bible lesson, snack, craft, game, and more! This is a drop-off event. However, volunteers are always needed! Please contact Jennie Smith at if you are interested in volunteering. To RSVP for your child(ren), please use this link:  


Sunday, September 15th - If you are a 3rd-5th grader, please join us for pizza and games.   We will meet in New Fellowship Hall from 12:15-1:45pm for food and fun.  This is a drop-off event. Please contact Jennie Smith at if you are interested in volunteering


To RSVP for your child(ren), please use this link:  

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