Our Sunday Morning services include our
8:30am, Traditional Service and our 11:00am, Praise and Worship Service.
Nursery care is available at the 11am Service.
You can live steam our Sunday Morning Services on our YouTube Channel
Archive services can be found here
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Thank you for visiting Bakerstown United Methodist Church online.
We hope you will discover the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to visit us.
We would love to meet you!
We center our preaching in the Bible, God’s word to all people. The sermon is a response to the scripture passage read before the preaching begins. The sermon points are highlighted and emphasized with Power Point.
You can watch previous weeks worship services on the worship service archive page

Join us on
Wednesday, March 5th
at 7:30pm
We are about to being the journey of Lent. A special season where we set aside time to examine our lives, re-center our walk with Jesus, and live with the Cross of Christ ever before us. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Lenten season. We are inviting you to join us on the first step of that Lent Journey with an evening service on Ash Wednesday

2025-2026 REGISTRATION -- OPEN TO ALL for our 2 year old classes, 3 year old classes, 4 year old classes and Full Day Kindergarten classes.
Below is the registration form for you to complete and return with one month’s payment along with the $50.00 registration fee and the $25.00 enrichment fee. Once received, I will send an email confirmation. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Chapman at director@bakerstownumc.org or 724-272-6032. If your little one is moving onto public school Kindergarten or First Grade, please feel free to share with friends and neighbors looking for a Pre-K program or a Full Day Kindergarten.
Vacation Bible School Registration is open! We will journey through the New Testament and learn how we can trust in Jesus in a wild world at True North VBS June 23rd-27th from 9:00am-12:00pm! Information about donations and additional ways to support will be coming out shortly! To register for your child or to register to volunteer, please use the link