Men & Women Ministries
Mission Team — An active group, involved in all areas of the community, the country, the world. The mission team provides a meal every month to members of our community through our Drive Through Dinners and to people in Sharpsburg at Roots of Faith. Join, and make a difference!
Care and Share Team -- Welcomes visitors, introduces ministry opportunities, and provides comfort and care to those in need, keeping in touch with our college and military members. They also provide refreshments between worship services once a month and for special events. You can join the team by contacting the church office, or using the sign up sheet in the Narthex on the information center.
Garden Group — Come and work with God’s wonder and help keep the landscaping around the church beautiful. Adopt-A-Garden, and make it yours!
A Stitch and a Prayer -– Quilt making group donates quilts which are distributed to Children's Hospital, local police, and wherever needed. Meets the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10:00am– 2:00pm. Sewers and non-sewers welcome.
Communion — Everyone seeking to grow closer to God is welcome to share in this sacrament. Christ invites all who receive Him as Lord to feast with Him at the table. You do not have to be a member of this church. Communion is celebrated the First Sunday of the month.
Sanctuary Choir —The melodious sound of our church choir fills the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings. With the skilled direction of our director, the choir offers a variety of musical gifts! Practice is on Thursdays at 7:00 pm...join us!
Joyce Gindlesperger 724-443-3184 jgindlesperger@bakerstownumc.org
Rhythm of Grace, Bakerstown UMC Praise Band — an eclectic group, we accommodate all skill levels and instruments as well as vocals! Always different, the praise band adds a different music approach to our 11 AM service. Practice is on Thursday at 6:00pm.
Tracy Hefner thefner@bakerstownumc.org
Glory Ringers — Hear the beautiful sounds of our bell choir one Sunday a month, and during holiday services. If the love of music runs in your family, this may be an opportunity for you to serve the Lord.
Joyce Gindlesperger 724-443-3184 jgindlesperger@bakerstownumc.org
AV Team — Assists worship service by providing projections and slides, working with a computer software program and sound system. This team looks for willing people who can lend a hand in the schedule.
Christian Community
United Methodist Men — Enjoy fellowship with other men on your journey with Christ. Our pancake breakfasts raise funds to send children to church camp and support local and national service groups. We also do fun things together such as retreats, sporting events and fellowship gatherings. We love being involved in the life of the church!
Bakerstown Methodist Women — Join the fun with the BMW. This fun bunch enjoys food, fun and friendship! Various outings and fellowship throughout the year as well as an annual retreat to Olmstead Manor and a Women’s Christmas gathering.
Spiritual Growth
Digging Deeper — A variety of topics and leaders. This adult class meets at 9:45am in the Wesley Room, EVERYONE IS WELCOME.
Women at the Well —A Women's Bible study, led by Kim Szelc on Sundays at 9:45am in the Library. ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED.
Women’s Bible Study — Join other women in bible studies, which meets on Thursday mornings for six to ten week sessions. Please see the weekly bulletin for details on upcoming studies.
Prayer Ministry — We pray for the needs of our congregation and community and invite others to join them. Our prayer chain is an email group which prays for the needs of our church and community.
Bible Studies -– There are various bible studies going on throughout the week at Bakerstown UMC. Our small group studies discuss the scripture used during the Sunday sermon. Studies on various books of the bible are also held. Please check the bulletin or website for the current schedule.